Senin, 25 Oktober 2010

after 5 years ~

seutas harapan tercipta ,.
waLau sudah usang rasa ini ada .
kadang sepi menyeruak daLam kegeLisahan .
Langit cerah .. banyak bintang .
Lalu ku intai hati tuLusmu .
seindah meLody .dLm Lagu .
Tertata Lukis cinta yg kucipta ..
daLam kanvas yg tergores nada . .

kmaren gw ktmu dy ,nothing interest sbenarnya .
not important jgag ,tp gtw napa .
gw bisa''nya tuLis ginian dbLakang buku sastra jepang gw,.
[spt yg byasa gw Lakuin ,oretd'' buku bagyan bLkng .hha ]
'' .. kmaren ktmu kamu ..bisaa Lyad kmu tnpa haLangan apapun .
jeLas bged wajahmu .dan saad itu .aku sadar bged -sgad sadar tepatnya-
kLu aku gga pantes bwad ada disampingmu . . ga pantes bwad kmu ,. bye ~ .. "
nah Lo .ngpaen itu nuLis bgtuan ? --''
gtw ia .. refLek ajja gtu .abiznya tiba'' keingetand .
mana idtu masie peLajaran Lgy .yah .. byangin ajja .
gw udda 5taon g ktmu dy !! 5 TAON !!
*byasa ajja deh ia, gga usa Lebay gtu ngmugnya*
terkezuutd sie ia ,jeLasLah .5taon gga ktmu .
tb'' dy muncuL di depan gw . . semped pandang''an gtu [ihirr rr :p], tdiam and saling ngelyad..
bah,. kayag teLenovela ajja nie ..
-hening- . agak Lama .then he said .
he : hi ,emm .. sptinya pnah kenaL . . *masie cb ingetd2, dan .. finalLy . .*
yak ! dieLa yah ?
gw : *masi bengong dgan tampang bego* ngedumeL dLam hati .. [np musti ingetd sie ni org !! gw kan udda gmw ingetd'' Lgy ! euh ><]
he : haLo ? salah orang yak ?
gw : ow, enggak'' .emm.. maksud gw ia, gw dielLa .hhe .Long time no see yaa ..

bLon sempet dy jawab, .untung waktu itu .hp gw bunyi .
kesempatand ini .pura'' hrus cpet'' pergy cz ada s.t important yang gboLe ditunda'' .

gw : eh, sory ia.gbsa lama'' .ada keperLuan soaLnya .
gw udah mw ngacir dari situ .

he : eh,,. emmm boLe mnta numb hp ?! .
ngmugnya gu''p banged .keLyatan dari wajahnya .
gw : ow, maybe next time ia .. if we 're meet again ..hope can see u in d other chance .daahhhh .
huhuh .gw pgy .. secepat''nya .gtw expresinya gmna .yg gw pikirin cuma satu .go. away ~
udda gga betah T,T .

sedikit poem untuknya ..

Sajak di Persimpangan 
                   [surat putih 3]

akhirnya kidta sampai disini .ditapaL batas ini .
pada persimpangan ketika
cinta dan dendam berbaur pada satu jaLanan .
bukan aku hendak mengabaikanmu .
tapi kesetiaan adaLah sejarah tentang Luka ,. dan ..
memandangmu aku seperti meLihat
gunung berapi yg bergemuruh
menahan Lahar .
sementara tanah yang kau pijak
adL biru Laut yg setiap senja
menenggeLamkan matahari .
Lalu ...
aku menemukan kembaLi
arti kasih yg pernah kidta urai .
bukan hujan seteLah terik ,
spti yg sering kidta rasai dan maknai .
tapi kasih addaLah Lazuardi pada ...
. . . . . . . . . .senja hari . . . . . . . . . . .

pergiLah dengan indah .. gudt bye ~

Minggu, 03 Oktober 2010

Love and Forgiveness.

How can these two words,
love and forgiveness change your whole perspective on life?
First, you must put your trust in something bigger than yourself.
You may call it God, Spirit, Budda,
whatever your faith is, trust that it has a bigger plan (could it be a lesson in forgiveness?)
than your everyday troubles.
What is the most important lesson you can learn while here on earth?
Love and Forgiveness. But how do you get to the Love part if you have hatred in your heart?
Forgive. It sounds so simple and yet it can be the most difficult thing that you can do in this lifetime.
Article on Love and Forgiveness

You were wronged or someone betrayed you, how can you let that go?
Forgive. Forgive and it will set your heart free. Here are some steps that can get you there.
Feel your anger, feel your sadness, feel whatever it is you need to get all those emotions out,
write it down and then throw it away.
Give yourself a certain timeframe in which you will no longer continue to go on with those emotions.
Now comes the hard part, trying to convince yourself that the other person deserves to be forgiven.
Every time this hurt comes into your heart, say to yourself "I forgive "name" for what they have done".
Every time you start to go over the scenario, and start to get angry or sad, instead replace it with "I forgive "name" for what they have done".
You might not believe what you are saying at first. But sending that message out into the universe will eventually help break the chain of black energy that links you together with an invisible line of hate.

Hopefully it will hit you one day.
You can let it go, the hate, the anger, the betrayal,
how you were wronged and in a peaceful loving moment truly feel that forgiveness.
The best possible way to break the chain of hate that connects you by an invisible link,
is to stand and face this person and truly believing and feeling in your heart what you are about to say to them.
"No matter what you have done to me, I forgive you" It is truly disarming, and can break that link that binds you.
That's it! It may be a long and hard task to get to that one simple line.

What does it feel like?
Once you have set each other free, your heart feels lighter,
you have an overwhelming feeling of peace.
You suddenly understand it all, the reason you are here,
the lessons that you need to learn while on this earth plane.
You will never be the same, because in every situation you can begin to feel compassion,
humility and gratitude toward your fellow travelers here on earth. You can LOVE again. You are a radiant being moving forward in life.

eXcusme ,. misi misi ..

Hhii^^ . .
Mw numpang misi niyh ma tetua bLogger dimari .. misimisi niyh iak*sujud hormat* .
saiiah (dielLa/kaisha) anak baru niyh [pindahan dari tetangga sebelah,,maklum kena gusur] maab” niye klo bikin masalah ma penghuni sinih,,maklum hobi saia ngeselin orang..tpiy jangan takud jangan geLisa..waLopun ngeselin juga tpiy sebenernya saia nto baik,,murah hati,,klo ada maunya.. hahaha.. juzt kidding..owyeah maybe klo ada tulisan yg salah ejaan dan tidak sesuai ma EYD, maab” Lgy yak, it.s my style nd I dun want to Look Like over acting [nah Lo ngmugin acting .apa hubungannya coba?] ,.karna idtu mmag style saiah,,,maklum b.indonesia dulu bagus mulu nilainya ,,gara’’ kebiasaan nulis sms dan mungkin seperti apa yang dikatakan teman” saiah kLu saiah inih mempunyai kamus bahasa sendiri..hiihii,,hbad khan gua !  :DD

buwad postingan yg terdapat berbagai info ituh juga tulung maab”nya iaah klo salah” kate..
pukuknya mah mohon ptunjuknya*sujud lagiy* .
iaah kirakira kurang Leby bgtu sodara2 .. cukub sekian dan terima kasih para hadirin sekaliann ^^

wassaLam ..